
April 2024
Kea Earth Day

Exploring Mother Earth, with fun activities such as painted plates and coloured playdough!


Kea Happy Easter

We all got dressed up in our favorite clothes and had a lot of fun with Easter egg hunting and other activities.


March 2024
Kea Ice Cream Parlor

Children were asked about their favorite flavor of ice-cream and were able to make one flavor of their own!


Kea Life Cycle

Our Kaiako explained to children about the life cycle of sunflowers. They planted seeds and more.


Kea Sea Week

For Sea Week our tamariki learned about different kinds of sea creatures and their habitats.


Chinese New Year comes to Glenfield

Happy Chinese New Year! Here at our Active Explorers centres in Glenfield, our tamariki had so much fun during our Chinese New Year celebration.


April 2023
Childcare Assistance Update

Effective 1 April 2023, more people will be eligible for subsidy and the hourly subsidy rates will increase.


March 2022
St Patrick’s Day celebration

We all dressed up green and celebrated with a variety of green activities in the centre!


November 2019
Diwali Dress-up Day

Active Explorers Glenfield celebrated Diwali in style this year with a dress-up celebration day bursting with fun and colour.


March 2019
Wheels on the Bikes Go Round and Round

Trikes, bikes, scooters, skateboards – and even some rollerblades – descended on Active Explorers Glenfield recently for the much anticipated Wheel Day.


August 2018
Snow Day at Active Explorers Glenfield

The snow has arrived at Active Explorers Glenfield on a gorgeous blue day. All our children Infants, Toddlers and Preschool were so excited and had so much fun.
