Our Rooms
Kea Room
Specially designed for our children aged from 6 weeks to 15 months, our Kea Room offers an inclusive programme blending heuristic play and daily routines. Each child’s individual needs and interests are well catered for and plentiful learning opportunities encourage children to become competent and confident learners.
Daily Routine
At the beginning of each day we set up the room in an inviting way. The activities we set up often depend on which children/tamariki are attending that day. These activities are age appropriate and based around the interests and needs of tamariki.
We welcome tamariki and parents/whanau as they arrive. Current research indicates the importance of following an infant’s routine/schedule when meeting their needs. On arrival we discuss with parents/whanau how their child is that day, and often gain important information to assist us in caring for their child.
The following is a flexible daily routine for the Kea Room children.
9:15 am: Welcome mat/whariki time with familiar songs/waiata and stories
9:30 am: Morning team/ata kai
Morning sleeps/moe for some tamariki and appropriate activities for others. These activities are based on children’s interests along with the programme planning of the room, with consideration for each child’s next steps. We also encourage feedback and ideas from parents/whanau in this area.
11:00 am: Lunch time/tina kai
Afternoon sleeps/moe for some tamariki, appropriate activities for the others
2:00 pm: Afternoon tea/ahiah kai
Moe time for some tamariki, appropriate activities for others
3:00 pm: Farewell tamariki and parents/whanau
Tamariki staying late merge with tamariki from the Pukeko Room
4:15 pm: Late snack/dinner
Tidy up and prepare for the next day. Tidy up times are also carried out throughout the day to keep the environment uncluttered and appealing.
*Spontaneous music/waiata sessions occur throughout the day.
*Nappies are changed as required. They are always checked before and after sleeps and after meals.
Pukeko Room
Catering to our children aged 15 months to 2.5 years, our Pukeko Room provides a positive and inclusive multicultural environment that encourages children to explore the world in their own time. Programmes are based on children’s strengths, interests and individual needs and will include messy play, water play, early literacy and numeracy, art, dramatic play, NZ culture, music and movement and outdoor play.
Daily Routine
At the beginning of each day we set up the room in an inviting way. The activities we set up often depend on which children/tamariki are attending that day. These activities are age appropriate and based around the interests and needs of tamariki.
The following is a flexible daily routine for the Pukeko Room children.
7:30 am: Welcome families, settle children. Through communication with parents and staff, establish any special requirements for the children attending that day. Provide children with breakfast if needed.
9:25 am: Rolling morning tea starts
10:00 am: Curriculum time. Teachers and children set up a variety of fun and developmentally appropriate experiences that stem from the children’s current interests, their individual next steps from their learning stories and the teachers’ planned experiences. This is also our time for walks out into the community to explore new and familiar environments.
11:15 am: Tidy up time/ko te wa whakapai tamariki ma. Children are encouraged to help with tidying up.
Circle time/haere mai ki te whariki tamariki ma – planned around the children’s current interests, and including storytelling, dance, action songs, rhymes and music.
11:30 am: Lunch/tina – children gather together for kai
12:00 pm: Children get ready for bed and settle into the sleep room. Quiet activities are set up for those who do not sleep. As children wake, they are assisted with getting dressed and having their nappies changed/toileting.
2:00 – 3:15 pm: Rolling afternoon tea/ahiahi kai
Kea Room merges with us as we prepare for the end of the day
4:00 pm: Late snack
5:00 pm: Quiet time and small activities
5:45 pm: Centre closes
This routine is flexible to meet the children’s needs throughout the day. Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine and meal times are also flexible. Nappies and toileting occur throughout the day when needed for each individual child. Children are free to engage in curriculum experiences around the flexible daily routines.

Kiwi Room
Providing stimulating opportunities and experiences for children aged 2.5 to 4 years, the Kiwi Room focuses strongly on developing and extending children’s independence and self-help skills. The flexible experiences we provide for children give them the knowledge, skills and dispositions they need to succeed in the community and wider world.
Daily Routine
In the morning teachers welcome parents and children to the centre as they arrive, and exchange information regarding children’s needs for the day. Children choose their locker for the day and place their named water drink bottle on the table by the water cooler.
7:30 am: Activity time – children involve themselves in a variety of developmentally appropriate activities, set up by teachers and children based on children’s current interests
9:40 am: Tidy up time/ko to wai whakapai
9:45 am: Mat time/music and movement
10:00 am: Morning tea/ata kai
10:15 am: Toilet time/nappy change
10:30 am: Activity time – children involve themselves in a variety of developmentally appropriate activities, set up by teachers and children
11:40 am: Tidy up time/ko to wai whakapai
11:45 am: Mat time/music and movement
12:00 pm: Lunch/tina
12:30 pm: Toilet time/nappy change/sleep for sleeping children
Activity time - children involve themselves in a variety of developmentally appropriate activities, set up by teachers and children
2:10 pm: Tidy up time/ko to wai whakapai
2:20 pm: Mat time/music and movement
2:30 pm: Afternoon tea/ahiahi kai
3:00 pm: Toilet time/nappy change
The Tui Room children and teachers join our room for the rest of the afternoon, enjoying learning activities which support children’s current learning interests
4:30 pm: Late snack
5:00 pm: Toilet time/nappy change
As children and parents leave, we farewell them passing on any important information
5:45 pm: Centre closes

Tui Room
Our tamariki head to the Tui Room at around 4 years old, and stay here until they head off to school. It’s an environment that’s fun, stimulating, challenging, and encourages curiosity and imagination. Collaboration with our local primary schools ensures our programme ideally supports children to transition easily and successfully into the next stage of their learning journey.
Daily Routine
At the beginning of each day we set up the room in an inviting way. The activities set up often depend on which children/tamariki are attending that day. These activities are age appropriate and based around the interests and needs of tamariki.
We welcome tamariki and parents/whanau as they arrive. On arrival we discuss with them how their child is that day, and often gain important information to assist us in caring for their child.
The following is a flexible daily routine for the Tui Room children.
7:30 am: Morena and welcome to staff, children and whanau as they arrive and settle
9:40 am: Welcome mat/whariki time with familiar songs/waiata, mihi, stories and the children’s favourite – news sharing time
10:00 am: Morning tea/ata kai
10:20 am: Activity time based around children’s current interests
11:30 am: Tidy up time and mat time
12:00 pm: Lunch time/kai time
12:20 pm: Activity time based around children’s current interests
2:15 pm: Tidy up time and mat time
2:30 pm: Afternoon tea/ahiah kai
3:00 pm: Tui Room transitions into Kiwi Room for activity time
4:30 pm: Late snack
5:45 pm: Centre closes