Why choose us?
There are a host of reasons why so many families choose Active Explorers Rolleston. Here are just a few of them:
- Nestled in the heart of Rolleston with many learning opportunities to explore the local community. Conveniently located next to Rolleston Primary school.
- A strong relationship with the local library including regular visits from the library bus which is always an exciting highlight!
- Complimentary extra learning programmes such as Hey Dee Ho music on a Thursday and Pitter Patter Dance on a Friday.
- We are a culturally diverse early learning community rich in cultural celebrations.
- Four separate learning spaces across two purpose built buildings which allow for smaller group sizes and a curriculum responsive to each age and stage of children's development.
- Separate indoor and outdoor areas for under 2s, toddlers and young children
- Children help nurture and care for our two guinea pigs Charlie and Leo which supports their growing sense of responsibility.
- Vegetable gardens which the children help tend to alongside Anita from Growing Kiwi Gardeners.

Our philosophy/ Kaupapa
At Active Explorers Rollestonwe are committed to our people, our place and our treasures, through our shared beliefs of Aroha, that connects us.
Our learning priorities
- By encouraging our tamariki to take risks, they challenge themselves to explore the environment and build their confidence.
- Reciprocal relationships are embraced between whanau, kaiako, and tamariki ensuring a sense of wellbeing and belonging.
- By ensuring positive and reciprocal interactions that inspire Tuakana Teina, Kaiako promotes effective communicators.
- Empathy, kindness, and Aroha are demonstrated through our nurturing interactions
- Inquiry learning extends and develops our inquisitive and creative tamariki
Tikanga Principles
Mā te tuakana e tika ai te Teina, mā te Teina e tika ai te Tuakana
Through relationships and respect, we can find the way forward
Whākana ki ō manuhiri i tō kāinga
Mana is upheld through fulfilling roles and responsibilities
Ko te toa i a tini, i a mano o te takata
It is the bravery of a multitude, of thousands of people united
He waka eke noa
We are all in this canoe together

About Evolve
Evolve Education Group is a leader in early childhood education, with over 90 centres across New Zealand offering a range of top quality learning options for all of our families.
Our highly regarded brands – which include Active Explorers, Lollipops, Pascals, Learning Adventures, Little Wonders, Little Lights and Little Earth Montessori – nurture children to love learning and become the best they can be. Rich and diverse educational opportunities are delivered by passionate, experienced educators in purpose designed centres equipped with the latest learning resources.
Evolve Education Group is helping shape the future, preparing little minds for great things in today’s ever changing world.